Str Camil Petrescu nr 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Luni-Vineri 09:00 - 17:00
0742 831 780

About us

liakreativart > About us

Our vision

We are a young team of visual artists. In our workshop we make handmade items, carefully crafted, offering color and refinement to the finished product. Our vision consists in the development and promotion of the articles handmade by our team, because they are unique and respect the traditional Romanian motifs.

Our mission

We dedicate our time to art. Our mission is to bring back to your attention the beauty of handmade objects. We believe that nothing is more beautiful than the manual processing of household objects or clothing accessories.

Let's get to know each other!

Let’s get to know each other!
Dreams are parts of our soul. When the dream is accompanied by ambition, work and a lot of passion, it comes to life. That’s how our creative workshop was born. Our dream started from the desire to create a corner of beauty, of relaxation, to have freedom of expression through art and to bring together artists eager to offer real art, to the loving public, the magic of their creation, that has their unique imprint, uncensored. We are a young, but ambitious team, with some years of creation experience accumulated so far. We have a graduation diploma in Arts , and we are very proud about it.Everything we create in this space is unique, being a handmade product.

What do we play with in our workshop? We play with pottery (ceramics), painting (on any material), wood carving, mosaic technique, Tiffany glass, felting (felting), tatting (frivolous technique), beading (including soutache).

We welcome you to our site and we thank you for being a real supporter of art and artists! “Art is the daughter of freedom” (Schiller)

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