Str Camil Petrescu nr 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Luni-Vineri 09:00 - 17:00
0742 831 780
Original handmade items
Painting on canvas.
Handcrafted ceramics.
Wood carving.


We make uniquely assembled and manually formed objects. The ceramic objects are unique and bear the imprint of the artist who worked them. The models made can be in limited series, they are full of soul and original.

The painting

Painting is our way of capturing nature or static objects. We want to offer you color, refinement through our works made in the workshop. We use the best painting accessories so that the viewer can enjoy our paintings without any obstacle.


Our creativity has no limits. We are passionate about what we do in the workshop and we want to impress you visually with our works. That’s why please view our products in the store.

Welcome to our website x

Painting, ceramics creation workshop

Thank you for being on our workshop page. We want to delight your eyes with our varied colored and textured works. We experiment  different new techniques, making unique products. As regards painting, we make our own compositions, using pastel, charcoal and paint with the same passion, on different surfaces such as ceramics, wood and glass.

By choosing the right model, we make the best handmade products in our workshop.
We proudly graduated the Popular Art School in Bucharest and that is why we are delighted to make our creations known to you.

  • Concept
  • Preparing
  • Achievement
  • Retouching
  • Completion of work
We start from a concept to reach the final product. We carefully choose the model to please our customers. We are inspired by nature, we observe the behavior of the people we interact with and we personalize the works according to each person's personality.
We prepare with the same attention and professionalism the materials we use. We clean the work area daily to remove any traces of impurities that could change the appearance of the final product. Even if it is a painting or a ceramic vessel, in our workshop we make sure that everything is well arranged.
In our workshop we make paintings, unique ceramic items. We are a creative team and we use the latest technologies to carry out our work. We work carefully and safely to complete the work.
Not everything can be perfect. We leave the retouching at the end. Every time there is room for better for any work of art that requires time and concentration. That is why, at the clients' request, we can make the appropriate retouches before giving the final form of the work.
We are satisfied with the work we do and we hope that you also choose our handmade items. We put both effort and passion into what we do and we are proud of our successes.

Are you looking for original handmade items?

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